Thomson Motors Default The Pros and Cons of Using the Pomodoro Technique

The Pros and Cons of Using the Pomodoro Technique

If you are having a hard time concentrating on working on your tasks, you should probably try this popular method in time management called Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a proven and effective method in managing your time by breaking the time doing a large task into smaller units. This method requires that you break down your task into 25-minute working periods then rest for five minutes. Each 25-minute work session is called a “Pomodoro”.

Then, after four Pomodoro, or a total of 100 minutes working, you can take a longer break of 30 minutes. 

This technique has been found by a lot to be helpful, especially for people with short attention spans. But is it really effective? Check out the pros and cons of Pomodoro technique.

The Pros

Lets you focus on one task at a time

Most people believe that multi-tasking helps finish several tasks quicker. However, a study reveals that it can take 40% longer to finish all the tasks if you are multi-tasking compared. With the Pomodoro method, you can focus finishing a specific task for each 25-minute interval. 

Helps you track your time and progress

The Pomodoro technique can help you measure how long you work on a specific task and how much you have accomplished. It can also help you not to overspend your time on a task. 

Avoids distractions

According to some tutors of Aegis Advisors, this time-management method can help avoid distractions which can be done during the 5-minute short breaks or the 45-minute-long breaks. 

The cons

May feel constrictive at first

While Pomodoro technique is a great method for increasing productivity, it may not work as effective for others. Some people can work intensely for more than 25 minutes. Or sometimes, other tasks may take longer than 25-minutes. The Pomodoro technique can feel a little rigid and constrictive. 

The short breaks can disturb work

When you are too focused on a task, you might not need Pomodoro method anymore since it might disturb the thought flow or your creativity.

While it may work for some, it cannot be as effective for others. But, if you really want to try it, the pomodoro technique can be adapted according to your needs. You can try a shorter or longer intervals that work better for you.

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